
March 11, 2022
Makoto Hattori

2011年タイ大洪水を振り返って(その1) ※本稿は三井住友海上タイ支店と共著でバンコク日本人商工会議所・所報 (No.715、2021年11月号)に掲載した記事を基に再構成しています。 1.2011 年タイ大洪水の概況 タイ経済に深刻な影響をもたらし、またタイ進出日系企業へも大きな打撃を与えた2011年のタイ洪水(以降、「大洪水」)から10 年が経過した。大洪水はタイ日本人社会・経済に大きな衝撃... (more...)

Statistical Data of Fire Incidents During COVID-19 Pandemic

October 18, 2021

Statistical Data of Fire Incidents During COVID-19 Pandemic Conclusion Fire incidents keep occurring during COVID-19 pandemic although some industries reduce production capacity. Damages from fire in... (more...)

Thailand Current Water Situation

October 11, 2021
Masaki Sato

Thailand Current Water Situation Summary The National Water Command provided flood warning to Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Pathumthani during 7-10 October. Tropical storm “LIONROCK” will become stronger a... (more...)

Heavy rains and flooding caused by tropical storm “Dianmu”

October 4, 2021
Masaki Sato

Heavy rains and flooding caused by tropical storm “Dianmu” Summary Last weekend, the tropical storm “Dianmu” brought heavy rain to the north, northeast, and central of Thailand. According to the depa... (more...)

Tropical Storm Noul Approaching Thailand

September 21, 2020
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert

Tropical storm noul path Thailand

Tropical Storm Noul Approaching Thailand Summary Typhoon from Category 3 Tropical Storm Noul could reach Thailand as early as this Friday 18th of September, according to TMD (Thai Meteorological Depa... (more...)

Thailand PM2.5 Crisis

May 7, 2019
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert

PM 2.5 car exhaust pipe

Why is PM2.5 harmful in Thailand? Bangkok’s hazy morning could be pleased to many people but this fog is actually a cluster of very small and dangerous dust particles that can easily ... (more...)

Fire at Centara (Central World)

April 12, 2019
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert

From the investigations of the Forensics Department of the National Police Force, staffs of the Engineering Institute and staffs related to the incident, Mr. Pichaya Chantranuwat, the Director of the... (more...)

Tropical Storm Pabuk to Hit Thailand

January 11, 2019
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert

Background               A few days after a New Year’s festival celebration, Thailand’s Meteorological Department reported the incoming tropical storm to hit the Southern Thailand, named “Pabuk”. ... (more...)

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Rainy Season Brings Heavy Rainfall to Northern Thailand

June 13, 2018
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert

Thai Flood Report: Forecast of Thailand’s Rainy Season 2018 Summary As the rainy season has arrived last week, there have been a few flood situations; mostly caused by heavy rainfall but the s... (more...)

Excessive Rainfall Over Thailand

October 30, 2017
Sutiwat Prutthiprasert

InterRisk Thai Flood Report Summary According to TMD, the amount of rainfall since January is about 1,700 mm which is above the average at 1,572 mm. Consequently, there have been flood situations in... (more...)